Today I have the pleasure of re-introducing Whitney K-E.
When we posted this Author Harvest back in October last year, I described Whitney as a Harvest Seedling (aka an emerging writer). Well, she’s now fully grown and ready to bloom with her debut novel: What Happens in Ireland.
So as an Author Harvest first, here is Whitney K-E (published author) re-visited!
Jenn today: Well Whitney, the questions are much the same and I usually start by asking if it’s scones and tea or some other homemade delight you have whipped up for me today. But given it’s the second time around, and with you having returned from your jig around Ireland (I see you have cottoned onto the author research thing already!!!) I’m thinking…. Irish Stew with a wee side o’ colcannon, washed down with a good Irish whiskey–or would that be Guiness? I’m fine either way. But be warned, young Whitney, if you come near me with Crubeens and Black Pudding ye best do a quick Irish jig out of the way as I may just throw up on doze curly-toed leprechaun shoes!
Now that we have that sorted… Let’s see how a PUBLISHED author answers today…
At home…
My mum says garden gnomes make a house a home! Last time you said you were
not into the cheeky little fellas, so I prepared one for you. (Scary thing is, I’m not sure which one has more wrinkles!!)
Jenn today: Now tell me you didn’t come home with a Leprechaun of some description. That would surely be counted as a gnome – of sorts – wouldn’t it?
What vegetable (or fruit) have you always wanted to grow at home?
W K-E then: Umm… I suppose a bit of everything. I have fond childhood memories of growing watermelons and cucumbers. But I tell you what, they are a bugger to get rid of. I tried using the ride-on mower. Let’s just say it didn’t go to plan…
Jenn today: Well Ms Published author, some things do go to plan if you work hard enough!
If you sorted your wardrobe by colour, what colour would stand out? (Ahh, do you sort your wardrobe by colour?!)
Then: Black. And blue. And no, I don’t sort my wardrobe. I can’t be bothered haha.
(Just as well you like black and blue. When that publisher picks up your book you will (like me) pinch yourself for months.)
Jenn today: So are you? Black and blue yet from pinching yourself?
What are you wearing now? (Be honest!)
W K-E: Pj’s. Mismatched ones to be exact… Lucky this isn’t a job interview.
Jenn today: Keep writing those books and job interviews will be a thing of the past!
Whose home would you like to housesit and why?
Then: The McLeod’s daughter’s property, Drover’s Run. But to be honest, I wouldn’t be happy housesitting. I wouldn’t want to give it back!
Today: Whitney now says, having swanned around…errr…I mean researched new story settings in Ireland, that she wants to housesit for Monica McInerney in Dublin. Well, shift over sister! Just coz you’re published now…..! You’ll have to fight me for that.
Country curiosities…
We love a sunburnt country (slip, slop, slap and all that). What’s your ideal hat? Or are you a boots person?
W K-E today: I’m a boots girl. I love my riding boots.
Jenn today: I can see that in your lovely published author profile pic above! Nice boots.
If you were a tree (or animal) what kind of tree (animal) would you be?
W K-E today: Hmm… Well, I just brought a Panda onesie so I guess that is as close as I’m going to get.
Jenn today: Not sure how many published authors could get away with wearing a panda onesie! We may require a picture, Whitney!
Now for the big country question… Why did the chicken cross the road?
Then: I’ve been trying to figure out this since I was a toddler. And the only reason I can think of is to get to the coffee shop on the other side. That’s why I’d cross the road.
W K-E today: To buy my novel and find out what happened in Ireland of course!
Jenn today: Of course!
About you…
Your turning point: when was that point in your life that you realised that being an author was no longer going to be just a dream but a reality and a career?
Then: Well, it’s not quite a reality yet. But I’ve always thought of it as a career. It’s a passion of mine and I see it as something I want to spend the rest of my life doing. That and running a small horse property of course. Those are my two dreams. And for them to work, they need to be careers. They say money can’t buy happiness, but if it makes money, you don’t have to worry about doing something you don’t want to do. I’m aiming for happiness that makes money so that I can continue being happy, I guess.
W K-E today: I’ve always thought of writing as a career. That’s what I wanted it to be. Now that it is, I’m just all the more committed to it. 🙂 Maybe it’s my age? (Don’t rub it in!) I’m still in the dreaming stages of my life.
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Then: Plotting. I’m a pantster-by-nature, but in order to prevent writer’s block and a lack of conflict, I’ve been trying to plot. It’s… going ok. 🙂
W K-E today: The doubts. Even after The Call you still have doubts. But you just have to fight them.
Jenn today: Yep, that’s published author speak. Welcome to the self-doubt club!
Fun stuff…
What does your protagonist think about you? Would he or she want to hang out with you, the author, his/her creator.
Then: I like to think my characters are parts of me. And Kate… well, she’s my stubborn side and she has my humour. I think we might clash a little. But as we both share the same opinions, I think we’d be best friends. I can see myself having an amusing chat over a cup of coffee.
W K-E today: I think Kate, Jack and I would love to sit in the Killarney Grand together over a couple of drinks and some good traditional music. And Kate is sort of a piece of my personality. I think we’d agree on a lot of things and we’d have a good time.
If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
My female protagonist, Kate. I’d love to meet my male protagonist, Jack O’Reilly.
If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?
Then: I’d probably be silent for the first time in my life. LOL. I would feel very uncomfortable.
W K-E today: I’d probably tell you a story. My latest travels have given me many to tell.
How weird are you? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (not) to 10 (very).
Then: Define weird? I like to think of myself as a very approachable person, someone who is down-to-earth and easy to have a conversation with. But I can imagine my sense of humour might catch some people of guard. I’ll leave the number up to your readers 🙂
W K-E today: That depends on what’s normal. 🙂 I think I’m either a 10 out of 10 on a scale of weird.
About Whitney K-E – Published author (have I said ‘published author’ enough times yet?)
Whitney K-E is an Australian author writing for Secret Cravings Publishing. Always a
lover of the Romance genre, it was no surprise that she one day began to type her first story of love. Now, three years on, she’s contracted her first novel What Happens in Ireland and bringing reader’s tales from the Emerald Ireland to the Sunburnt Country. What Happens in Ireland releases on the 26th of April, so prepare yourself to be charmed by her story and by her characters.
Ever wondered what happens in Ireland?
When Australian, Kate Barrow, meets a handsome Irishman in a Dublin bar, she has no idea that he’s about to turn her world upside-down and inside-out.
In Ireland to take on a position on a thoroughbred stud, Kate is shocked when her manager-in-co reveals himself to be the same man she’d met in Dublin.
Jack is drawn to Kate. The problem is, she won’t have him. But Jack has always loved a challenge and the intriguing woman from Oz is one he cannot resist.
Harbouring the sting of another man’s betrayal, Kate is certain she wants nothing to do with love and nothing to do with Jack O’Reilly. But when naked torsos, Mother Nature and dysfunctional umbrellas start plotting against her resolve, she realizes the charms of an Irishman are going to be hard to resist.
Congratualtions on your debut novel, Whitney. May it be everything you hope for.
Readers: See below for GIVEAWAY details.
Read an excerpt
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Buy from: Secret Cravings Publishing or Amazon or Bookstrand
For more about Whitney or her novel, you can connect with her on:
Twitter: @whitney_ke
Her blog: http://whitneyk-e.blogspot.com.au/
And the Romantic Muse:
GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment on this blog post or any of the other blog posts celebrating the release of Whitney’s debut to go in the draw to win one of two prize packs including a PDF of What Happens in Ireland, a handmade ribbon bookmark designed by Swagmaster Designs and a coffee mug. You can join in the fun on Facebook. Whitney will contact the winner independent of this blog post.
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