Border Watch – Helene Young’s debut novel – is out March 1 and if the stunning cover is any indictation, it’s bound to be a great read.
I’ll let you know.
Today I received my very own copy to read and review.
So now I’m off to bed with … ah, yes…a good book and a glass of Limoncello.
Life doesn’t get any better than that!
Author: Jenn J McLeod
Australia's nomadic novelist tours in a purple and white caravan called Myrtle the Turtle. Come home to the country: House for all Seasons (#5 top selling novel in 2013), Simmering Season (2014), Season of Shadow and Light (2015), The Other Side of the Season (2016), A Place to Remember (2018), House of Wishes (2020) The Tides That Lie (2024)
Not a freakin’ partridge anywhere!
Forget about the partridge in a pear tree, the four calling birds and the two turtle doves.
How’s this for an editing ditty.
On the last day of editing I did a quick re-cap:
Eighty-thousand words
One-hundred hours
Two swollen ankles
One wrist blis-ter
And a round-two Emmy entry com-plete.
(Sure feels like Christmas to me LOL)
Stupid is as stupid does
I know there’s a million jokes about it..
I know Shania Twain wrote a song about it.
I know Forest Gump made a saying famous about it.
I know I’m stupid.
I’m laughing, but it’s a kind of shoot-me-now-and-put-me-out-of-my-misery laugh.
Well, they shoot horses, don’t they?
What sort of person enters a full ms competition THEN – thinking they don’t have a chance in hell – decide to pull the story apart and start a rewrite.
Ahhh! That would be me – the stupid one.
Yep! I finalled in a comp that now requires I put the bloody thing back togther ready for submission in a week.
I know, I know – I hear you. That will teach me for not being positive.
See you on the other side!