I read an article online recently about ‘writing platforms’.
It was saying it’s almost impossible to sell a first novel these days unless the author has a platform.
Okay, I thought, I’m pretty good on a soapbox. Will that do?
Of course, that’s not quite what they meant.
They were talking about having something that makes you qualified to write a book – a fascinating job, an interetsing hobby, a passion for something. In my case those three things equal writing.
I can see how it might help (eg Kathy Reichs), but is it essential? Does having specific expertise put you ahead of the thousands of other writers out there? Are we no good without it.(I think if I had a platform right now I’d hit Kathy Reichs over the head with it – Sorry Kathy, I love you, but jeez you’ve made it tough!) What I mean is, we can’t all be forensic anthropologists (I don’t even know how to spell it!)
Why is it no longer enough to simply have an imagination and an abliity to tell a good – I mean great – story?
So…does having a platform really make a difference?