While The Family Farm is a heartwarming story about finding love and a sense of belonging, Fiona Palmer’s debut novel is no starry-eyed version of life on the vast and isolated rural properties of Australia’s West. This story follows the determined and very capable Izzy Simpson (and friends) living, loving and working the wheat fields and paddocks that paint parts of the south-west Australian landscape a gold and green.
Farming is bloody hard work and Izzy Simpson’s dad constantly lets her know she hasn’t got what it takes. She does though, so her father’s pig-headedness forces Izzy to leave the family farm in search of the work she loves. When she comes back home, father and daughter share a fragile relationship, with Izzy desperate for her father’s approval and Dad determined to protect his young daughter from the harshness and the dangers of farm life. (Izzy’s older sister died in a farming accident years earlier.)
Just like another great WA author, Fleur McDonald, Fiona Palmer tells us about country life the way it really is. What’s immediately clear when reading this novel is that Fiona and her Izzy share the same passion for the land. In fact, if this novel was written in first person, it could almost be a memoir. I know it’s not, of course, but the story is so honest and the situations so real, it’s like reading a poignant, personal account of life on the land, seeing the characters grow, find love and a sense of belonging without taking away the escapism I expect from good fiction.
What I loved.
The swimming-in-the-dam scene with Izzy and love interest, Will Timmins.
I love it for the effortless way Fiona illustrates the tantalizing and playful romp between best mates on the verge of something wonderful. Fiona includes several scenes as the relationship between Izzy and Will ebbs and flows, each one sensitively choreographed while remaining true to the genre and to the youth of her characters. There is never a time where Izzy – or any of the other twenty-something-year-old friends – slip out of character or away from the contemporary nature of the plot. Fiona ensures they stay true in their actions, their dialogue and their thoughts, further captivating and involving me – the reader – even though I am so not twenty-something anymore!
What I learned.
If you’re passionate about what you do then you can’t help but be good at it.
Farming is inherent in Izzy Simpson and telling farm stories – be it the beauty and peacefulness of sleeping in a swag under the stars, or the harsh reality of farm life for both man and beast – is clearly inherent in Fiona Palmer. And if you need further evidence of Fiona’s passion you must read this http://www.fionapalmer.com/2010/03/pingaring/
What will linger long after I’ve read the book.
You’ll have to read the book to find out why. Be warned – you’ll need a tissue or two. (Maybe a box of Kleenex). I have to confess. I almost put the book down at that point and said “No! I don’t want to read this anymore. It’s too real.” But I’m so glad I didn’t, because the highs and the lows Fiona takes Izzy through helped me understand the harsh and sometimes cruel reality of farm life. Thank you Fiona. I think every city girl should read this story.
The Family Farm is a surprise. It’s almost two stories in one, with secondary characters stealing some of your cheer as their secrets are revealed. I related so much to them all I hope they get their own book one day – hint, hint!
I loved The Family Farm by Fiona Palmer. I loved the cover and I loved the publisher’s treatment (the way the wheat design carries through the pages.) An eclectic mob and plot makes this one satisfying read and an excellent debut novel. I even loved the acknowledgements and the insight into an author who lives, loves and breathes farming. But it’s time to get off that tractor, Fiona, and back on the keys. We want another book.
Michael Joseph (Penquin) publishes The Family Farm, by Fiona Palmer. For more information about the author visit her website http://www.fionapalmer.com/
You’ll find Fiona and other great Aussie authurs like Bronwyn Parry, Helene Young and Fleur McDonald on Face Book. Become a fan – Australian-Outback-Romances-and-Mysteries