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I also have a dream

Someone recently gave me feedback on my entire manuscript (based on not very much at all!)
They said it would never sell. I was told my hero was not heroic enough, my heroine was ‘scarred’ (not perfect enough) and my storyline might make people feel ‘uncomfortable’.
Part of me wanted to trash the entire 90,000 words and start again – start something that ‘fit’ with the expectations of others.
Then I saw her perform on Britain’s You’ve Got Talent show.
I know I shouldn’t use cliches like ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but there was never a better time to use it really.
To any other writer who is struggling to maintain their own style and write the book they’ve always dreamed of – the book of their heart (thanks Marion Lennox for sharing that prase with me), take a look at this clip.
I’m going back to finish my ms.
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Easter Miracles

This Easter I have lusted over gluttonous amounts of chocolate, greedily nibbling away while slothing on the lounge and watching Pride & Prejudice (the Colin Firth one…finally), much to the wrath of dear partner who envies that I can do all that without feeling the least bit sinful!
Oh well, it is Easter after all.
This Easter I also admit to missing my Bootcamp writing buddies who usually keep me informed and amused with a constant stream of emails. They must all be having a nice break away with family and friends. Happy Easter everyone.
Speaking of emails… I haven’t been spammed – not a single one this last 48 hours (where it’s Easter Sunday somewhere in the world). Do those sinful spammers take an Easter break too? Maybe miracles really do happen.
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Life’s a Beach


This is it! My very first blog. It took me a while. First I couldn’t figure out why I’d even want to blog. Then I didn’t know what I’d blog about.
But here I am at last with mimagey own place…my own patch…my own tiny corner. It’s just like the good old days when in excited silence I would claim a tiny patch of Northern Sydney beach sand, lay my towel, expose my body, soak up the sun and dream about being a published writer.
Sadly, in this high UV world (where SPF no longer stands for Sunbake, Paddle, Fun) you’d have to be crazy to beach it. (Just as well for me, as I am way past bikini bod). So instead I now have blog beach…my corner…my patch of sand…my place to sit my toosh, expose my mind, soak up cyber sun and work towards making the dream come true.
I’m not sure this blog will be anything to get excited about – it is but a single grain in the blog sand bucket – but it’s mine. I hope by exposing myself I don’t get too burned or get sand kicked in my face. I’m lucky to have blogger lifeguards keeping watch – thanks Bootcampers (you know who you are).
As a blogger – who am I and what can you expect?
Not even I know that answer yet. You’ll just have to follow me back to my corner every now and then.
Hope to see you.