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Dear reader…

As I pat another book on the bottom and send it out into the world to fend for itself, I want to say thank you.

I feel privileged to have my third novel on the shelf alongside so many wonderful Australian fiction books. Thank you for buying Australian.

Shadow and Light AcknowledgementBut I have a confession…

While a ‘mother’ does not pick favourites, it might be…might…that Season of Shadow and Light is the book I really, really like (maybe even more than the others).

Hang on a minute! In saying that, House for all Seasons was my first, and firsts are special – right? (That’s what my big sister told me while growing up!) And Simmering Season was the book that will forever remind me of Mum (the nursing home scenes in particular). So how can I not love that one?

But Season of Shadow and Light is special for different reasons, and even a little personal. Following on with the family theme of this post, it is the third book published and I was the third child!

More importantly this novel is also a story about love…

Different kinds of love. And as I always say:

“People are people, parents are parents, family is family, love is love.”

And this fictional family needs saving in more ways than one, so I hope you enjoy Paige’s journey, as well as Alice’s very special love story, some thirty years earlier.

Will this story raise a few eyebrows? I thought it might. But the positive reviews keep coming and, hopefully, and I’m hopeful Shelleyrae, at Book’d Out, is on the mark with this gem:

“Jenn J McLeod is an author for all seasons and all readers.” 


I truly believe the pen is mightier than the sword and fiction is a powerful way to start a conversation. Acceptance often comes from understanding so it can be that through our stories, authors can provide readers with a safe place to explore and appreciate social differences. I hope Alice’s story achieves that in some small way.

Another thing I enjoy about writing is the camaraderie of the Australian author network. If you enjoy my small town stories, why not make it a point to read more Aussie authors? I support the Australian Women Writers Challenge.

People I can’t do without…Shadow cover screenshot

In my ‘thank you’ at the back of this book, you’ll find some author names — my network of writer friends keep me in check, let me try out ideas, and inspire me. Whatever the contribution (large or small), my thanks go to them all, especially Nicole Alexander, Fiona Gregory (Green), Shannon Garner, and my Simon and Schuster Musketeers—Karen M. Davis and Anna Romer. A shout-out, too, to Kate Belle’s daughter (who comes up with some amazing Little Miss conversations), and Helen Lacey for sharing Santo, the wall-eyed Pinto.

You will have noticed that my novels sometimes draw on the works and sayings of the wise and wonderful, quoting some while being inspired by others. In Season of shadow and Light I acknowledge the works of A.B. (Banjo) Patterson, Elyne Mitchell (The Silver Brumby) and Anna Sewell (Black Beauty). Also to Vivienne Green, thank you for your saying, which I do try to live by:

‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.’

Mr MagooAnd to L. Frank Baum for lending me Toto, the little white dog. And to United Productions of America, the creators of the Mr Magoo cartoon character—although my Banjo is a complete opposite to the near-sighted, bumbling retiree, it was fun reliving my child-hood while reimagining a real life Mr Magoo.


Early reviews, like this one, have thrilled me:

“ . . . an intensely powerful read, exploring the topics of love and trust whilst simultaneously exposing the effects and depths of deception and betrayal within families and communities. Not one to mince her words, McLeod tells this story in a no-holds-barred manner that leaves the reader with absolutely no doubt as to the importance of the story, it’s characters, and the lessons we can all learn from having read it. Five stars and marking this one as a Must Read!” J’aimee Brooker (AusRom Today)

These early weeks are a nerve-wracking time for any author. So, dear reader, your support and feedback is vital. Please, don’t be shy about contacting an author to let them know you enjoyed their stories.

YOU matter to us.

YOU matter to me.

And you can let me know what you thought any time:

Email: Here


Twitter: @jennjmcleod

Simon and Schuster Publishers 

donate life Anne Judd and Adam GilmourThe really important message that I hope comes through this story …

Please donate life. Consider organ donation and discuss with loved ones your wishes. Maybe do it now:




For your chance to WIN all THREE Jenn J McLeod novels* simply leave a comment below. From now until the end of May Jenn drops into some of her favourite author blogs to say hello to readers old and new. She’ll then collect the comment names from each author blog post, picking a lucky winner from one major draw and announcing the name end May on her blog.

banner three book*Book Pack: House for all Seasons (#5 Top Selling Debut novel, 2013), Simmering Season, and Season of Shadow and Light. (Australian postal address only)


Winner announced here, end May.

Again, I say Thank YOU, dear reader.

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Out and about in Barcoola


It’s been five months since selling up and moving into Barcoola and we have experienced a few ‘events’ Barcoola style.

After our windy weeks in Corindi (we were staying close to home for Dad) turned into a few months, we finally hit the road on December 15 and headed for Casino, NSW. Both stays have been filled with fabulous characters and fun.


Melbourne Cup Day Corindi Van Park style!

Here I am with Hans and Denise and their merry band of Tallowwood Travellers. We were invited to stay on for dinner but didn’t want to leave little Daiquiri on her own any longer. She had lost her mate of 12 years the day before and the crowd knew we were all grieving.

Next thing we hear is Denise knocking on the annex door. There she was with two generous serves of her fabulous paella, with garlic bread! Exactly want we needed to cheer us up.

What wonderful people we’re meeting. You can look out for a Hans and Denise mention in book 4, April 2016! I have a feeling there will be paella!!


 Christmas Casino Style

The beef capital is a great town. I am, however concerned. I don’t think the locals are used to seeing little white fluffy dogs. We all went for ‘walkies’ down the main street and people everywhere stopped on the spot and stared with comments like . . . “Oh, a little white fluffy dog!” Maybe they are not used to a dog in a backpack. Or the Blue Heeler and Kelpie are the dog of choice? (Clearly, no one has seen how a cagey, one-dyed white, fluffy dog can fool a mob of sheep!) I did like this Casino local and his mate.



Our hosts for Christmas was The Big 4 Resort, Casino

The Big 4 Resort at Casino is two things:

  1. a caravan park ideal for the Biiiiig Riiiiig (you are supposed to draw out the words Biiiiig Riiiiig with a really deep, echoing voice)
  2. an entire community of houses especially built for people who own and need to park a Biiiiig Riiiiig.

This place is everything we hoped for. Did I mention there’s a swap library? And guess whose book I found on the shelves?

Our first Christmas was very Casino. That means HOT! But the Christmas lights were pretty cool. The permanent resident cottages are just delightful, with small, manageable gardens (unlike our unruly, triffid-type garden on our property. We have NOT missed the gardening part—yet!) I reckon one of these will be a nice little retirement plan. With room for Barcoola (which will double as guest quarters!) when winter comes . . . .off we go, while the house stays secure in a fenced estate.

Casino Library Author Chat

I’ve done a few library chats but Casino… you have set the bar pretty high. Wow! It was a great turnout. Here I am with a few hangers oners. I was sent home with a platter of yummy, homemade  country-style treats (which I was assured were not fattening!)


Australia DayCasino Bonalbo loop

I met a Bonalbo bloke at my library chat. Lance (pictured) drove into Casino to attend my chat, so I drove out to Bonalbo for their Australia Day celebrations. They clearly knew I was there because the band played a song from my up-coming release – Season of Shadow and Light!photo


We’ve had a great time exploring Casino. Time to head back to Corindi for a while. I have a book to launch in May. 🙂

Play this video. Celebrate Australia and Season of Shadow and Light with me.

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Grass will NOT grow under my feet!

grass under feetYou know the old saying about not letting the grass grow under your feet?

That is NOT happening here in Corindi Caravan Park. No, no, no!

This week was all work, work, work.

But busy is good, right?

As for that grass growing through the annexe floor  — a floor pegged down on all sides and unable to be pulled up without dismantling the annexe?

That is not so good!

Today I fixed that problem. First I cut the grass in the puppy courtyard. (see exhibit A!)cutting grass

Then I found a way to rid the flooring of that pesky grass without out too much effort at all, which meant our chores were all done by morning coffee time!

I hope you are not letting the grass grow under you feet.

HEALTH WARNING: do NOT run with scissors and do NOT try this lawn cutting technique at home on large lawns!)

Oh, and then there’s the small thing about sending another round of edits for Season of Shadow and Light back to Simon & Schuster. This is the final ‘uh-oh’ version that the printer will be binding into what’s called an advance reader — or proof — copy and S&S will send out to reviewers and book buyers. That means this edit had to be pretty spot on. I get one more go to dot those t’s and cross those i’s (only joking!)  before the final books are printed.

ABC radio Coffs studio

So, book three is getting closer to those shelves. I can’t wait. I totally love this story and the messages woven through it.

While it was all chores, chores, chores, the week started out with a bit of fun. The lovely Janine (who, by the way, has her own fantastic, entertaining, and often thought-provoking blog (Shambolic Living) invited me to chat on air with Fiona Wyllie. We were supposed to be talking about downsizing from a house into a caravan, but we talk a lot about books and laughed a lot.

You can CLICK to listen.

If you would like to experience a little Shambolic Living, pop over to Janine’s blog. Prepare to laugh, to cry, to feel, but, most importantly, to love life.

ABC local radio