It’s one week since the house settled and WE settled into our new mobile home for life on the road.
Okay, so we are not ON THE ROAD exactly. We travelled about an hour north and stopped at Corindi Beach Caravan Park. We will make this lovely spot our base for a while as we find our ‘caravan legs’.
Dad is visiting a couple of times a week now as we are only 10 minutes up the highway (and he brings scones every time he visits!)
This last week has tested us, though: the notorious east coat low has brought five days and nights of pelting rains, lashing winds, thunder, and lightning strikes that saw the van park in black out for four hours. (Dad will be bringing scrabble when he next visits!!) Mind you, we got lots of reading done: Greg Barron’s Lethal Sky (another riveting read from Greg), Dawn Barker’s Let her Go (love, love, loved it), and about to start Anna Romer’s highly anticipated Lyrebird Hill.
Apart from having so much reading time, there are LOTS of things to get used to.
Good things: the roar of the ocean only twenty paces from our door, the endless entertainment provided by wives frantically waving hands at husbands for the Van Reversing Ritual that takes place every evening, and stare-offs with the local roos.

Not so good things: limited data for Facebooking and blogging and drinking too much coffee (yes, the coffee machine came with us!)

The pups seem to have settled in just fine and tonight we christened the Weber Baby Q because the weather is finally being good to us. Tomorrow I will be hitting the book again. Edits for Season of Shadow and Light going well.