We all love our sunburnt country, but those darn sweeping plains can be a source of frustration for readers and authors, reducing contact with each other to online platforms such as Facebook. So when three authors get together in a regional centre like Newcastle, you can bet a great roll up, fun times, and great cake.
Connecting with readers is a bit like cake – there is no such thing as too much – which is why we LOVE reader events and book-signings.
For authors in isolated or regional areas, the opportunity to meet with other writers face-to-face is like icing – the sweet, creamy frosting type, WITH sprinkles!
Last month Helene Young (Safe Harbour), Wendy James (The Lost Girls) and me – Jenn J McLeod (Simmering Season) had our cake, with icing (and we ate it too) when staff from the lovely new Cardiff Library invited us to chat about our writing journeys. I had not met Wendy before and what I discovered is we grew up in the same neighbourhood and attended the same high school (Manly Girls).
Wendy could even remember the school song! Her latest novel, The Lost Girls is even set in the Sydney northern beaches suburb where we grew up (Curl Curl). Helene Young kept the panel in line with probing questions and ensured there was no fighting over the microphone – even though Wendy and I had both confessed to wanting to be a Broadway stars when we were young.
With thanks to organiser extraordinare – Allison Roberts and the Cardiff Library team. And to Maclean’s Booksellers for toting all those books!
Special thanks to Brenda Telford.
PS If you are from Manly Girls High School, let me know. There is a great Facebook group.Yes, they also know the words to the school song!