I know there’s a million jokes about it..
I know Shania Twain wrote a song about it.
I know Forest Gump made a saying famous about it.
I know I’m stupid.

I know there’s a million jokes about it..
I know Shania Twain wrote a song about it.
I know Forest Gump made a saying famous about it.
I know I’m stupid.
Thank you for caring, for your encouragement and for your kind words (previous post) and for dropping by when I needed a lift.
You guys really are heros, knights in shining armour, Prince Charmings, whose kind words, sweet kiss or swift kick when needed (hmmm, let’s stick to kind words – LOL) can wake a sleeping, blogless damsel, turning a frog princess into a blog queen again.
Yes folk, thanks to you, I’m back!!!!!
Inspiration is starting to pump through my veins already. I can feel a blog surge building.
2010 – bring it on! (Rrrr-ribitt!)
Forty-three posts since April last year.
Not bad I guess, given I’d never blogged before and didn’t think I’d have anything useful to say.
I should be smiling.
I’m not.
It seems the well has dried up. I am blogless.
This is NOT a good start to the year.
I did take most of December off, after promising the family (and partner) I’d spend less time at the computer. Seems however that was a BIG mistake.
You see I got off the rollercoaster, now I can’t seem to get back on.
Can somebody please tell me how to get back on the ride.