From my house to yours…
I hope you are enjoying the festive season.
For me, 2019 has been a year of ticking off big bucket list items, including swinging through the Daintree Rainforest dressed as Lara Croft (says so on my helmet!) and swimming on the Great Barrier Reef with sharks and sea turtles. For someone who has never been a water person, or liked heights, I did pretty good.
Two weeks later, of course, there was a fatal jungle surfing incident. A couple swinging through the trees on the very same cables, enjoying the same exhilarating experience, fell when those cables allegedly snapped. The incident is still under investigation, but I struggle to understand how this could have happened. The popular tourist attraction is extremely well managed and I had felt perfectly safe with very competent and attentive guides.
I WAS safe. I WAS Lara Croft!
If only super heroes were real. They could swoop in and lead us all into a safe and secure 2020.
Sadly, there would be no undoing the catastrophic bush fires, or New Zealand’s White Island eruption, but imagine how a super hero might give us hope for a brighter, safer decade–because I’m not seeing much hope in our politicians’ actions. (Politicians who think Australia’s unique and precious arts and culture will prosper and grow under the Dept. of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications!!! (We don’t even get a mention in that portfolio title. Out of sight, out of mind is what comes to MY mind!) You can read about this here.
2019 is ending with way too much bad news and some terrible tragedies, and while I’m no Lara Croft and able to save the day, I can continue to write my Australian stories so readers can escape the bad and the sad things in life, if only briefly.
I’m not a huge fan of New Years Eve. I’m one of those grinches who worries about the impact fireworks have on both our environment and our wildlife (and terrified domestic animals). But I do raise a glass to the people I love (past and present) and, as we welcome a new decade, I will be counting my blessings, praying for rain, hoping for sanity, wishing for peace, and, most importantly, donating money, goods, time and/or food to those less fortunate or in need.
We can be super heroes to those in the country struggling through drought. Rural Aid’s Buy A Bale drive is back, so consider doing your bit, even if it means buying one less book. Donate now.
Something else we CAN all do (and it costs nothing) is consider the wildlife (the cute and furry, the feathered, and the scaley) that all need to drink. No matter where you live – country or city – there will be a thirsty critter, so keep those containers topped up. (Don’t believe me? Check out these unexpected visitors dropping by for a drink.)
Most important of all…
Take care of yourself and make the most of each day. While we have it in us to get up and achieve something (or try) we must try. We can’t NOT do things because we are afraid. (Sorry about the double negative!)
I have no idea what the new decade will bring, but I know this….
And this was VERY good news and another bucket list item in 2019.
I self-published for the first time and House of Wishes is exceeding my expectations. Thank you to all who have bought, borrowed read or reviewed. My baby is doing so well (checkout the lovely reviews on Goodreads) that I am energised and madly writing book #7 for 2020. So stay tuned!
Now you’re done decking the halls, it’s time to bedazzle your bookshelf with Australian stories in 2020.