Thank you to the book bloggers, authors and readers who joined in my blog tour and made it such a great celebration. I wish I had more books to giveaway.
The winner of the 3-book giveaway is: Melissa Woods.
If I wasn’t exhausted enough from the huge blog tour, yesterday I returned home from a 13 day road tour.
No wonder I’m feeling tired!
Because Season of Shadow and Light is a such special story to me….
… I enjoyed all the Q&As. If you want to know more about the story’s characters or you want some insight into my writing of this novel, you may want to check out these posts.
Book Blogger Q&A:
Duffy The Writer asked me about Alice and I didn’t know how to answer. Then this happened.
Fiction with a side order of food: Shelleyrae from Book’d Out has me talking food and hugging carrots!
Writing on the road: I’m chatting to Tien’s Blurb about my gypsy life.
Reading, Writing and Riesling: I mean…do we need anything else? Just add some fun travel goss.
Kathryn’s Inbox: Kathryn White asks me about the title concept of Shadow and Light (among other things!)
Sam Still Reading: Visit the real pub that inspired The Billabong Hotel in Coolabah Tree Gully.
Road Trip To Revelation: Rowena Holloway takes a road trip with me. Hop in, buckle up, and hang on as I take readers through some storyline twists and turns.
Write Note Reviews Author Insight: Monique has me tapping out my favourite songs and spilling the beans.
I chatted to some special author friends:
Jennifer Scoullar’s blog – I was six the day a horse ate my buttons
Margareta Osborn’s blog – Smiles
Lisa Heidke’s blog –My Blog Post of Whys and Hows
Cathryn Hein’s blog – Friday Feast and talking about a real dish!
Café Carla – Author Q&A
Helene Young – The inspiration behind the book
Loretta Hill – A letter
(NB: the 3-book giveaway on these blogs is now closed)