May 23, 2014.
Sydney Writers Festival and the Australian Book Industry Awards gala event.
Okay, so, I was there as an observer, rather than being celebrated for some great literary achievement. But I was there and my book was there — on the book wall along with every book from 2013. The weekend was still an amazing experience and a career highlight (although perhaps the best thing for me was having the head of Tony Abbott’s personal security team at our table and talking to his wrist!)
Some 24 hours later, after being whisked down and whisked back again (thank you Simon &Schuster for treating me like a winner anyway) the sparkly outfit is back on the hanger and I am back to being ordinary me and blogging. But there was a particular moment from the awards night I wanted to share.
There I was in the room at Friday night’s book industry awards when at the end of all the awards, ‘someone’ at the mic said “Congratulations to all those in the room who received an award this year.”
I quietly raised my glass, looked across the table at author friend, Anna Romer, and whispered to her: “Congratulations to any author who managed to get published this year!”
The same sentiment can be applied to any author who managed to type the words THE END, as well as any author who managed to put those first few words of their dream novel on a page. We are doing what we love, no matter what stage in the journey, so well done and celebrate every step along the way. We can’t all win awards, just as we can’t please all readers/reviewers. As I say these days: “I can’t be every reader’s favourite author. I can only be the best author I can be.”
My book awards experience was an extraordinary moment for this very ordinary girl and I am extremely grateful to the lovely people at S&S.
Keep writing and reading, friends.