It’s great to be taking part in this blog hop on The Writing Process in which different writers answer the same questions about their writing process.
The picture to the left kind of sums up my writing process. Firstly, there would be no writing process without Larissa Edwards, the wonderful Head of Publishing at Simon & Schuster, Aust, who once uttered those words “I love your story”. But look behind her: integrity, confidence, difference, passion and belief. They are all part of my writing process.
Thanks to Pamela Cook, rural fiction author of Blackwattle Lake and Essie’s Way (Hachette), for tagging me. Here is Pamela’s post from last week in case you missed it. Or why not connect with this teacher, mother of three gorgeous daughters, manager of dogs, rabbits, birds, fish and horses, on her website:, Twitter: @PamelaCookAU and on Facebook. Pamela lives in the southern suburbs of Sydney and spends as much time as possible at her “other” home in Milton on the south coast of NSW. Her favourite pastime (after writing) is riding her handsome quarter horse, Morocco.
So, it’s my turn now…
1) What am I working on?

It’s unbelievable and mind blowing to think I am still being asked to talk about House for all Seasons after 12 months, while about to launch and talk up Simmering Season (April 1), just typed THE END on book 3 in my Seasons Collection – contracted for April 2015, and now plotting book 4 ready for 2016! Yes, this is the glamour life of a published author – NOT! I’ve also fit in a short story for an anthology, a couple of articles for the Queensland Writers’ Mag, and designed some workshops. No one warns you about the crazy hours and deadlines. But I LOVE it.
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
While House for all Seasons reviews have made (humbling) comparisons to Monica McInerney and Maeve Binchy, the thing people comment on the most about my ‘Come home to the country’ stories (friendship, family relationships, and small towns keeping big secrets) is the way I balance humour with high emotion, making readers smile and cry and laugh and cry and laugh … but always with a contented sigh at the end.
3) Why do I write what I do?
It just happened. I tried writing romances, but I think my novel’s wry-humoured inhabitants (thx Rowena Holloway for that delightful description) got in the way. (I was giggling in all the wrong places!) Romantic comedy, maybe – which is where I was headed back in 2009 when my characters – filled with guilt and regrets and facing life’s challenges – had other ideas. So now it’s more “Laugh, Cry – Cry, Laugh Kleenex” genre.
4) How does my writing process work?
I usually start with an opening sentence and a title and wonder how I can make a story from them. I play around characters, a tag line and a blurb and away I go.
Unfortunately, my opening sentence in Simmering Season is NOT going to go down too well with some House for all Seasons readers. I can only say this…. Give it a chance. I promise you, I will not disappoint.
Well, that’s it from me. Coming up next week, answering the same writing processquestions, is three fabulous authors. I high recommend you look up and follow: Helene Young, Natasha Lester and Zena Shapter. They all love connecting with readers, as you can see, so check them out.
Helene Young – multi-award winning romantic suspense author of Wings of Fear, Shattered Sky, Burning Lies, Half Moon Bay and her next release: Safe Harbour.
Ever wondered what a plane crash feels like? It’s all in a day’s work for multi-award-winning author and airline pilot, Helene Young. A check captain with Australia’s largest
regional airline, her job is to ensure aircrew can handle all inflight emergencies. It comes in handy for writing fast-paced suspense novels starring feisty women and sexy men. When she’s not writing or flying Helene’s sailing the seas with Capt G and Zeus, aboard their catamaran Roo Bin Esque.
Helene’s twice been awarded the RWA RuBY and was voted Most Popular Romantic Suspense Author by ARRA in 2010 and 2011.
Natasha Lester – award winning author of two novels, If I Should Lose You and What
is Left Over, After. She also teaches creative writing through the Australian Writers Centre, and when she’s not teaching and writing, she spends her time playing dress-ups with her three children.
Zena Shapter – a British-Australian author who loves putting characters inside the most perfect storm of their lives, then watching how they get out. She likes wild rides through the gulches of adventure that spit you out breathless, and close-to-reality books of the unexplained. She’s won seven national fiction writing competitions (all blind judging), has been published in magazines such as “Midnight Echo” and anthologies like “Award-Winning Australian Writing” (Melbourne Books, 2012). She is represented by literary agent Alex Adsett.