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Author, Monique Mulligan, writes a letter to her younger self


Dear Monique,

Wow, you’re 18 today. That means you can do all the things your mum said you had to wait for, like dating (bet you didn’t think she meant it when she said “18 and no earlier”), going out with your friends and finding your independence.

You’ve been a late bloomer – and your mum is right, you are too skinny – but after years of hating your hair and bemoaning your lack of curves, things are about to change. Well, the hair will – trust me, in a couple of years people will tell you how much they love your long, spiral-permed locks. The curves, on the other hand, won’t happen overnight, but they will happen.

You’ve left school behind, worked as a ride operator at a theme park over summer, and now you’re about to start university. A whole new world will open up for you. You’re going to meet people from all sorts of backgrounds. You’ll make two lifelong friends. New opportunities, dreams and possibilities will come your way. And you’re going to ask: “Do I really want to be a journalist?”. Yes, you will question the career you always thought you wanted. The choice you make will set your course for many years.

Monique, you’re a perfectionist. You may as well admit it. So, I am going to break it to you gently: you will make mistakes. You can’t please everyone. You will always try to do the right thing, but sometimes your youthful ego, innocence, inexperience, expectations and desire for peace and harmony (and stubbornness) will mean what you thought was right, really wasn’t quite right. But you are a student of life and you do learn from mistakes, so you will be okay.

And while I’ll stop short from calling you a control freak (even if you are a neat freak), your desire for harmony does mean you want to fix things so everyone is happy, even at your own expense. You’ve got to stop doing that! Trust me, you’re going to take on everyone else’s responsibilities until you are emotionally and physically exhausted. Don’t laugh. It’s true. And it will lead to even more changes. This is probably the hardest lesson you will learn in your life.

I’m not going to give you spoilers, just few tips to make things smoother.

Hold on to your dreams: Right now, you’re bursting with ideas about travel, from living and working in London, to working on a summer camp in the US, and even living in Germany to make use of six years’ German at school. You will travel, but not in the way you think. Okay, that was a spoiler, but the point is, do not give up on that dream because it will come true eventually.

Write: You were born to be a writer, just as your English teacher said. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself and tell Self Doubt to take a walk in someone else’s park. Make friends with other writers. Don’t waste precious time hiding your stories in drawers or waiting for the right time. Make that time.

Give yourself a break: You’re so hard on yourself. Stop dancing to the tunes of “Not Pretty Enough” and “Don’t Let Me Get Me” and start rocking to “F***ing Perfect” and “Try”. On second thoughts, those songs aren’t out yet, but listen out for them. The point is, stop trying to be perfect, to be everything for everyone. It’ll be easier.

Love yourself: This follows on from the previous point, but one day, you will be asked: “What do you love about you?” And you will cry because you won’t know how to answer. Let me make it easy for you. There’s a lot to love about you, from your kindness, to your openness, from your silliness to your determination. That’s the start. Ultimately, if you love yourself, you can love those around you even better.

Hold on to the little girl inside: When responsibilities overwhelm and challenges melt, don’t lose sight of little Monique. It’s okay to make up weird poems and songs in the car, to sing “Do Re Mi” at the top of your voice when you’re cooking, to tell completely offbeat stories that make no sense but are fun, and to giggle uncontrollably at times. You don’t have to be grown up all the time.

And lastly, quit worrying about what others think. Learn to be happy with yourself. Expect others to love you as you are.


Your 44-year-old self.

Monique Mulligan The Point of Love


Monique MulliganABOUT THE AUTHOR:

A former newspaper editor, journalist, children’s curriculum writer and magazine editor, Monique Mulligan is the author of The Point of Love and My Silly Mum, and is working on a full-length contemporary novel and a romance novella. She also reviews books on her blog, Write Note Reviews, and hosts a successful Stories on Stage programme.

Monique’s website is |  Twitter: @writenote1  | Facebook

Buy The Point of Love: Amazon   Serenity Press

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 Now, did you know…?

My fourth novel opens with a character writing a letter, which is what prompted this blog series. And not just any letter. It’s a story –perhaps the most important he’ll ever tell.

The Other Side of the Season

Everything has a reflection…

And there’s another side to every story.

Ready for a sea changeLife is simple on top of the mountain for David, Matthew and Tilly until the winter of 1979 when tragedy strikes, starting a chain reaction that will ruin lives for years to come. Those who can, escape the Greenhill banana plantation on the outskirts of Coffs Harbour. One stays—trapped for the next thirty years on the mountain and haunted by memories and lost dreams. That is until the arrival of a curious young woman, named Sidney, whose love of family shows everyone the truth can heal, what’s wrong can be righted, the lost can be found, and…

. . . there’s another side to every story.

Available from all bookshops and Amazon, KoboiTunes, or



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Author, Lily Malone, Writes To Her 19 y.o Self

Dear Lily,

Here you are, about to board the plane to London today.

You already know that you’re running away from a small country town and a cute country boy, and running towards bright lights and adventure. Good on you! Every girl should travel while they’re young. Travel while you’re bold enough to do all those risky things because when you’re a middle-aged mum you’ll have other responsibilities and you won’t be so fearless (or flexible).

So go white water rafting (hold on tight when you get to the second rapids in the Zambezi, the lady beside is gonna fall in and try to take you with her); go hot air ballooning across the Serengeti (it will be a bumpy landing but don’t worry about that, you’ll pull through). Remember to pack some kind of roll-up mattress. Africa is very bumpy if all you have between you and the earth is the tent floor.

Mostly, I want you to consider this . . .

Your friends will move on while you’re overseas travelling. Some will go to university, some will get married, others move away and some will have babies by the time you get back. Life moves on… don’t expect that you can leave now and come back and step into your old life. You’re doing your life in a different order. You’re having the fun now and you’ll come back and get stuck into career, study, the wrong boyfriends and much later, the right boyfriend who will become your husband, and then your family. The downside of that is, your body is older, and you won’t roll with the 2am, 4am and 5am punches of needy babies. But you’ll deal with it. Take heart in the knowledge that the never-ending nappies do actually end, and you won’t be the milk truck forever.

If there’s one thing I’d say to you, it’s this: “Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you. Other people are not talking about you or watching you every second of every day. You are not that interesting! Don’t be so self-absorbed. It is not all about you!”

A word to the wise: Don’t take every rejection personally. (This will help you deal with 1-star book reviews when you’re 45).


Your 45 year old self.

p.s. That Queensland cane-cutter who is sweet on you in Crete? Don’t dance the Lambada with him. It only leads to trouble…

p.p.s Buy shares in a company called Google.

 lilym_lowresTheGoodbyeRide_ Lily Malone

Lily Malone writes Australian Contemporary Romance with Escape
Publishing. You can BUY The Goodbye Ride from Amazon AUS . Lily’s writing style blends romance with her delightful (sometimes cheeky) sense of humour and fresh, whimsical turn of phrase. Also by Lily Malone: So Far Into You, His Brand of Beautiful, and Fairway to Heaven.
[Tweet “What advice does @lily_lilymalone give her 16 y.o self? #LetterToMyself”]

Wanting to honour the lost art of letter writing through this blog series, I also opened my fourth novel with a character writing a letter. And not just any letter. It’s a story –perhaps the most important he’ll ever tell.

The Other Side of the SeasonReady for a sea change

Life is simple on top of the mountain for David, Matthew and Tilly until the winter of 1979 when tragedy strikes, starting a chain reaction that will ruin lives for years to come. Those who can, escape the Greenhill banana plantation on the outskirts of Coffs Harbour. One stays—trapped for the next thirty years on the mountain and haunted by memories and lost dreams. That is until the arrival of a curious young woman, named Sidney, whose love of family shows everyone the truth can heal, what’s wrong can be righted, the lost can be found, and . . . there’s another side to every story.

CLICK for more or leave a comment below for Lily.

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Author, Amanda Ortlepp, writes a letter to her 7 y.o. self

Dear Amanda,

Recently, you announced to your bewildered mother, “Mum, I’m never going to walk behind any man. I’ll walk beside him, or in front of him, but never behind him. No woman should ever have to walk behind a man.”

Those aren’t words anyone expects to hear from a shy and diminutive seven-year-old. Especially one growing up in a two-parent heterosexual household where both parents have assumed traditional gender roles: Dad working full-time and earning most of the family’s income; Mum working part-time and taking care of all the cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. All the other grown-ups you know have similar lives to your parents, and no-one seems concerned about it other than women making the odd joke about how men can’t use a washing machine, or groaning about how much praise their husbands demand for cooking sausages on a barbecue.

So where did this feminist proclamation come from, and what does it mean?

You, my dear, have an inherent sense of self-worth that will never be tied to a man. Even as a seven-year-old you can sense the compromise that many women make when they decide to become a wife and a mother, and you don’t want that for yourself. Some people will tell you that this attitude is selfish, and perhaps they’re right, but always remember that it’s okay to live a life that is different to most of the people around you.

The reason I’m telling you this is because you’re not always going to feel confident that you’ve made the right decisions. By the time you reach thirty it will feel like everyone around you is engaged, married or pregnant. Sometimes they’ll treat you with pity or suspicion because you’re still single; sometimes that will upset you and you’ll wonder if you should want what they have. Don’t let it bother you, because there are exciting things in store for you, too. But they don’t wear onesies and idolise the Wiggles. Your babies are small and rectangular, with about 400 pages, and they make you feel happier and more fulfilled than you ever thought possible.

You’re on the right track – keep questioning things, keep reading, and be brave enough to become the person you’re meant to be.

With love and admiration,
Your 34-year-old self


Amanda Ortlepp’s debut novel, Claiming Noah, was published by Simon & Schuster Australia in 2015. Its ethical dilemmas and emotionally-charged themes struck a chord with mothers and book clubs in particular, and it became a bestseller. Amanda’s second novel, Running Against the Tide, is set on the remote Eyre Peninsula in South Australia where her father grew up. It was published in March 2016. Amanda lives in Sydney.


To find out more, visit: 

Amanda and I are both Simon & Schuster authors and after reading that letter I hope to meet her one day. Her stories are terrific. Highly recommended.

Now, did you know…?

My fourth novel opens with a character writing a letter, which is what prompted this blog series. And not just any letter. It’s a story –perhaps the most important he’ll ever tell.

The Other Side of the Season

Everything has a reflection…

Ready for a sea changeLife is simple on top of the mountain for David, Matthew and Tilly until the winter of 1979 when tragedy strikes, starting a chain reaction that will ruin lives for years to come. Those who can, escape the Greenhill banana plantation on the outskirts of Coffs Harbour. One stays—trapped for the next thirty years on the mountain and haunted by memories and lost dreams. That is until the arrival of a curious young woman, named Sidney, whose love of family shows everyone the truth can heal, what’s wrong can be righted, the lost can be found, and…

…there’s another side to every story.

ORDER your copy now from Amazon, KoboiTunes, or
