After 35 years together, we finally did it!
Like all brides, we kept our outfits a surprise, but I reckon the jeans were pretty-much expected!
The sun shone (but, oh, that Barmoya breeze!!)
Those special people we missed having with us on the day were remembered — they were with us in spirit and in picture frames!
(And my sister and dad gave us the roses (coz they knew we’d be too cheap to buy flowers!) and the Willow Tree figurines – two ladies, their hands actually grasp each other’s. Love them!)
Shannon Garner is far too gorgeous to be a bridesmaid, but she is also far too special to not be, so we did our best to also look 38!!
Shannon looked after our wedding bands, did a beautiful reading about dragonflies (so fitting) and she also came in handy doing nails.
We got to have our cake and eat our cake, too! Not only was the cake a surprise (thanks to our super, multi-talented celebrant, Cheryl Steele), it was a Red Velvet cake that not only matched our outfits, it was yum! And I’d always wanted to try a red velvet cake, too.)
The 4th generation Barretts (David and Marie) were our witnesses and there is Mount Hedlow in the background (which I mention in A Place to Remember).
And of course there were Henderson Park cows!
Henderson Park is, of course, the inspiring landscape where I camped in a paddock while writing A Place to Remember. (And I did drop a big hint in Chapter 32!!)
Thank you Gina (L) and Annika (R) (the 5th generation Barretts and #6 is pretty in pink, too!)
Henderson Park Farm Retreat shone, as always — and it will always be A Place to Remember.

So, there you go. If you voted “yes’ last year, thank you!
PS: I think I might have found my next book cover. Thank you Shannon and Iron Pot Hill for being so beautiful on the day and being my muse for another story!!
Want more? J&J Get Married (in 3 minutes) You Tube
Now read the book inspired by the landscape and Henderson Park. (and that Chapter 32!)