The long way to Mudgee Readers Festival – a big literary event in a small town.

And what fun! From opening night drinks and mingling with *warning: name-dropping ahead*: Kate Forsyth, Charlotte Wood, Jane Caro, David Dyer, and more) books and bookish types took over the pretty streets of Mudgee, where every second shop is a cafe and every second person a book (or wine) lover.
Officially, I was there as a presenter and I talked ‘Books With Heart’ with Amy Andrews, Alissa Callen and Charlotte Nash (about how the heart finds its way into all sorts of books: fiction, memoir, medical, sporting stories, even . . . cook books!! A robust cab sav is required in such instances! That’s ‘offal’ I know! ) We stuck mostly to fictional hearts: hearts that flutter, bang, burst, pound, race, tear, rip, break, swell, jump, thump, beat, bleed and skip and love, hate, ache, sigh, melt, palpitate, sink, shatter, somersault, radiate, glow, embrace, adore and feel. We discussed how hearts talk to us and betray us; become our weakness and our strength; and make us spontaneous and (according to the character in my next book) sometimes makes us wait.

Then, for something a little different, I had a few laughs with Candice Fox about outback serial killers and psychopaths. In fact I asked Candice for her thoughts on the most effective means of warding of potential psychopaths from my caravan door while free camping. I offered her a list of strategies:
- Leave out a pair of size 11 work boots and an empty box of bullets?
- Set up a chunky dog chain and a big, empty dog bowl—the words STILL HUNGRY visible on the bottom?
- Or a sign that tells the truth: “Beware – two angry, menopausal women on board?”
(Yes, she thought #3 might work, too.)
While the welcome was warm (the atmosphere too) the temps were a tad chilly. (Minus 2 over night.)
Despite it being winter, Mudgee was a great destination. But …
Of course my book tour of NSW started well before Mudgee. We took the long road, starting with the launch of book four – The Other Side of the Season – at my home base – The Coffs Coast and after that a whole lot of small towns.
Nambucca was nice
May 19, 2016
Author talk: Nambucca Library
Lots of lovely local media.
Coffs Harbour was commemorative 
May 25, 2016
Library Event/Official Launch
Book number 4 of my Season Collection with more great PRINT MEDIA and a book signing at The Book Warehouse.
MOREE was magnificent

July 9, 2016
Library Event and a catch up with Nicole and Greg
DIGITAL MEDIA Moree Champion
and Local businesses got on board.
Big Sky Libraries online newsletter
Moree Plains Shire Council (online)
Moree Champion (print and online)
COONABARABRAN was a little crazy
July 19, 2016
Only because I gatecrashed the local book club discussion! What fun!
TAMWORTH was terrific

July 23, 2016
Library Event – huge turnout. They made me feel like a star, even without a guitar!
RADIO CHAT ON 88.9 FM (Pulse)
TV News coverage – NBN: NSW Western District CLICK to Play
Articles: PRINT and DIGITAL MEDIA: Northern Daily Leader article and Northern Daily Leader f/u story
DUBBO was adorable (I’m talking meerkats at the zoo!)
August 6, 2016
Book Store/Book Signing: The Book Connection: SOLD OUT of stock!
PRINT MEDIA (two pages): Dubbo PhotoNews Magazine
Advertorial mention by The Book Connection
August 7, 2016
Special Author Event: Jenn J McLeod – In conversation @ Red Earth Vineyard (yes, there was wine). (Dubbo retweets)

August 13 and 14, 2016
PRINT/DIGITAL MEDIA: : Guardian Festival features Jane Caro and Jenn J McLeod
And pre-event PRINT MEDIA: Discover Magazine
Massive social media coverage by MRF
NEWCASTLE was noteworthy
(I mean, seriously, look at the size of the poster!)

August 20, 2016
Book signing: Big W, Charlestown (biggest shopping centre EVA!)

August 25, 2016
RADIO interview: 2NVR Radio – Elizabeth’s Turning Pages.
So, there you have it.
And home in time to remember Mum on her birthday and share Father’s Day with Dad.
Oh, and by the way… If you are into stats, we did around 3,200 kms and fed the beast about $650.00 in diesel. While it was a great experience and fun, I do hope my tour helped to get my name out there and I found some more lovely readers. Word of mouth is the best compliment. (Have you told someone today about the last great book you read?)