Dear readers, you know how much I LOVE the seasons, so when an advance reader copy of Anne Gracie’s, The Spring Bride, landed in my mail box, and having seen the rave reviews for The Autumn Bride, well, I had a little ‘spring’ in my step. (Thank you Maria from Penguin.)
Now YOU can win a copy of the book (see below).
But first, here I am at home with Anne Gracie from cool (in various senses) Melbourne
Thank you, Anne, for letting my park my rig on your… nature-strip!
What’s that I see written on your ‘welcome mat’?
Beware of the dog (she’ll lick you to death)
I miss my HUGE refrigerator. If I looked in your refrigerator right now, what would I find?
Not a lot — a few wilted vegies. I need to go shopping.
Downsizing my life into a 24 ft caravan meant leaving lots of things behind in boxes. What (or who!!) would you have trouble leaving behind if you took off in a caravan?
My books. I have too many of them to fit in my small house, so a caravan would be tricky.
Whose home would you like to visit in your van and why?
I’d head up to Far North Queensland to visit Barbara Hannay, dropping in on the way on Kelly Hunter. They’re my good buddies, and they write fabulous books and we always have fun, eating, drinking, talking books, and brainstorming together.
Country curiosities…
My latest novel, Season of Shadow and Light, has a strong horse theme. (I love what horses can teach us). If you were an animal what would you be?
Probably a sea otter. They’re gorgeous animals, funny, playful and inventive. Though the life would probably be hard. It would be more sensible to be a pampered cat or dog. My dog has a pretty good life.
You’re cooking and your food is going up against the best cooks from the CWA (Country Women’s Association). What would be your winning dish?
My cheese and leek pie, made with phillo pastry.
About you…
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Starting every morning. Once I start I dive into the story and don’t want to leave, but I always put off starting.
If someone was to write your biography, what do you think the title should be?
Buried in Books
What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?
‘Would you like to eat this delicious chocolate brownie?’
My answer would be “yes please.”
Favourite place in Australia: I can never pick — this land of ours is so beautiful and I always want to explore more of it. One day I want to travel slowly right around it, travelling by day, writing in the evenings.
Favourite holiday destination: Venice. I went there many years ago and loved it to bits. Now I’d like to go and explore further afield, and stay there longer and maybe set a series there.
If I said to you, “Just entertain me for five minutes, I’m not going to talk,” what would you do?
I’d do the dishes and let you wipe.
Okay, readers, now you can WIN The Spring Bride, but first here’s the blurb…
Haunted by a childhood riddled with poverty and hardship, Jane Chance is determined her own children will never suffer the same; she intends to make a good, safe, sensible marriage. All goes according to plan until a dark, dangerous vagabond helps her rescue a dog.
Zachary Black is all kinds of unsuitable—a former spy, now in disguise, he’s wanted for murder. His instructions: to lie low until his name is cleared. But Zach has never followed the rules, and he wants Jane Chance for his own.
Tell us: What kind of Seasonal Bride would you be? (Hint: riff creatively off the word “seasonal.”)
(Open to all: If the winner is in Australia, Anne will send a signed book. Otherwise the book will arrive via The Book Depository.)
For more information or to connect with Anne:
Author website: http://www.annegracie.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnneGracieAuthor
or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1AnneGracie
Hi Jenn and Anne. Lovely interview.
I hate the cold so I would be a winter bride because then I’d have my husband to keep me warm 😉
LOL Cheeky girl!!!
Susanne, that’s a lovely image — I’m thinking an open fire, a sheepskin rug… lovely.
Hi Jenn & Anne
I got married on Australia Day so that makes me a Summer bride. Being from Melbourne it was your typical day here. Rain threatened in the morning, it was blazing hot at 2pm and I got sunburnt during the vows. Then we had a storm that blew in from Antartica, hail the lot. Absolutely froze in my silk empire gown, not to mention loads of saturated guests at our garden reception. Melbourne is the home of the four seasons in one day bride! I enjoy your books, but like most greedy readers, they can never come quick enough.
Oh what a story, Leonie. i LOVE four seasons!!!!
Leonie, what a perfect Melbourne story — and sounds like an eventful day. Being a Melbournite myself I can very much appreciate the four-seasons-in-one-day bride.
Too late in any season for me to be a bride
though Autumn leaves are beckoning
I have far too much pride
Yet still inside a little voice
like buds before the spring
hopes somewhere, some how, some time
there is one who’ll make me sing
and choose to wear his ring
Oh, that is so clever, Cecilia.
What a gorgeous little poem — thanks so much Cecilia. And yes, definitely there will be one to make you sing.
Hi Jenn and Annie, I was also a Summer Bride. It was February in Cape Town and it NEVER rains then except on bridal parties of course. It rained before and after but not during our actual outdoor garden wedding. Whew!
It was a good sign, Laura. Thx for dropping by.
Laura, sounds like you had a lucky weather escape. I love outdoor weddings, but the weather can play havoc, can’t it?
Hi Jenn and Anne, it’s spring for me, new beginnings. My second marriage was in spring and we are now up to thirty-six years, so I’m guessing we were right for each other. Besides I just love the country in spring with fields of wildflowers!
I agree on the wildflowers. Such survivors. 🙂
I think Spring is such a romantic time, with blossoms and wildflowers and the earth full of new life and hope. And clearly it was the perfect time for you, Delores. 🙂
Hi Jenn and Annie, I want to be a Winter Bride. That way, when we drive up to Broome with our new camper trailer (yes, I may see you on the road next year, Jenn, now we’ve dipped our toes into the nomadding thing), we can renew our vows on the beach. That’s the romantic in me speaking. I haven’t mentioned the matter to my husband….
That sounds awesome, Victoria, and congrats on the big adventure step. Wouldn’t that be great to bump into each other? 🙂
Victoria, what a fabulous place to renew your vows. Broome, on the beach with the ladder up to the moon — beautiful.
Hi Jenn and Anne. I’m a bit past being a bride of any sort and am happily married, but if I was to be a bride again and was getting married here in Central Queensland, I would want to be an autumn bride. If we have had a good wet season, it is the nicest time of the year here. The grass is still green and the weather has cooled down. No autumn leaves, but.spring is usually dry and dusty with lots of flies.
Coincidentally, I was actually married in autumn, thirty-five years ago!
I love your books, Jenn and Anne.
Hi Heather, thx for dropping by and congrats on 35 yrs! 🙂
Heather, down south Autumn is the loveliest time of year, with brilliant sunny days and cool crispy night. I’d love to head north and visit a Queensland autumn.
Thanks for the kind words about the books, too. 🙂